How to install Celluloid on Ubuntu – Celluloid mpv frontend

Celluloid is a free open source frontend for mpv. mpv is also a open source CLI media player based on mplayer2 and MPlayer. Celluloid interacts with mpv via the client API exported by libmpv and it offers access to mpv’s playback capabilities. It comes with keyboard shortcuts, hidden playlist, drag and drop support, MPRIS D-Bus Interface support, Wayland support and configurable option with Extra MPV Options support. It is release under GNU General Public License.

Install Celluloid on Ubuntu:

Celluloid player is available as a Flatpak package for ubuntu. For that you need to install and setup Flatpak in your Ubuntu system first. Follow the below Flatpak installation tutorial in the below link.

How to install flatpak on ubuntu:

After the installation of flatpak, run the below command in your terminal to install Celluloid player on Ubuntu.

flatpak install flathub io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid

During the installation type y and hit enter to cinfirm the installation.After the installation of Celluloid player, click the show applications in the Ubuntu Gnome dock and type Celluloid in the search box and click Celluloid player to open it. For Unity you can search Celluloid from Ubuntu dash.

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You can also run the celluloid player via the below command in terminal.

flatpak run io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid

you can uninstall Celluloid media player via the below command

flatpak uninstall io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid
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