How To Find All Installed Fonts In Ubuntu Linux via Terminal

In your Linux system you can easily find all installed fonts via command-line based terminal application and you don’t need any third party GUI applications for that. In this article we are going to use fc-list command to lists all installed fonts and styles using fontconfig tool.

Find All Installed Fonts In Ubuntu Linux

Open the terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below command to list all installed fonts in Linux.


fc list

This command list fonts with installed path.

If you don’t have fontconfig, then install this via below command.

sudo apt-get install fontconfig

Using the below command you can find and list installed fonts for a particular language. For example to list all installed Hindi language fonts, then run the following command.

fc-list :lang=hi

fc list lang

For the complete usage details please refer the man pages.

man fc-list

That’s all.

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