How to Install and Setup SFTPGo SFTP Server on Ubuntu

SFTPGo is a free and open source SFTP Server for Linux, macOS, Windows and FreeBSD. It also comes with HTTP/S, FTP/S and WebDAV support . It is written in Go and released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. It comes with SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, Bolt data support, REST API, Event manager, public key and password authentication, SSH, Two-factor authentication, Web Client, Virtual folders support and lot more.

SFTPGo users

Download SFTPGo SFTP Server

Install SFTPGo on Ubuntu Linux

SFTPGo is available as a Ubuntu PPA and DEB package file. Open the terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commands one by one. It will add SFTPGo PPA and install SFTPGo on your system

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sftpgo/sftpgo
sudo apt update
sudo apt install sftpgo

Yon ca also install SFTPGo via native .deb package file. Download SFTPGo in .deb package file from the above SFTPGo download link and save it on your Downloads folder. Now run below SFTPGo apt install command. Here “sftpgo_2.5.1-1_amd64.deb” is the downloaded file name. You can change below command based on your name.

sudo apt install ./Downloads/sftpgo_2.5.1-1_amd64.deb

Setup SFTPGo SFTP Server

Create Admin User

Go to below url in your browser and Create the Admin User.



Enter a username and password for your Admin account and click Create admin button.

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SFTPGo create admin

Create New User

Now click the + icon and create a new user

SFTPGo create new user

And Submit in the end.

SFTPGo submit new user

In this Admin dashboard you can configure all things.

SFTPGo users

Just go through all side tabs to check the available options.

Access User Web Client

Go to the below url in your browser and login with the new user account details



SFTPGo user web panel

Here user can upload and download files easily.

SFTPGo user dashboard

SFTPGo user dashboard


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