How to Install Swell API Development Tool On Ubuntu

Swell is a free and open source API development tool for Windows, macOS and Linux. Using this you can test your API endpoints that served over streaming technologies. It supports Server-Sent Events (SSE), RESTful, gRPC, GraphQL, Websocket, OpenAPI, WebRTC, Webhooks, and streaming API requests.

Swell API Development Tool

It also supports multiple streams in single connection HTTP/2, full support for all four streaming types of gRPC – unary, client stream, server stream, bidirectional stream. You can create GraphQL queries, mutations, and subscriptions.

You can also view request timing and save it in collections. It show all the reports in interactive chart and you can import and export it. It comes with built in test suite editor, WebRTC Peer to Peer Testing, stress testing, tRPC Testing, mock server, It is released in MIT license.

Download Swell [Windows,Linux,MacOS]

Install Swell Application On Ubuntu

You can install Swell API Development Tool On Ubuntu via deb and AppImage files. Go to the above Swell download link and download the latest version Swell API Development Tool in .deb file format. And save it on your Downloads folder.

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Note: Here the downloaded file name is “Sswell_1.18.0_amd64.deb” and download path “Downloads” folder. You can change the below commands based on your downloaded file name and path.

Open your Ubuntu terminal app (ctrl+Alt+T) and run below command.

sudo apt install ./Downloads/swell_1.18.0_amd64.deb


sudo apt install ./Downloads/swell*.deb

Then click the show apps application menu in the Ubuntu dock and type Swell in the search box and click Swell to open it.

Install Swell via AppImage:

You can also install swell via portable AppImage. Download the swell AppImage file format from the above download link and save it in your Downloads folder. In terminal run below commands one by one.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ Swell-1.18.0.AppImage

Note: Here “Swell-1.18.0.AppImage” is the downloaded file name and “Downloads” is file path.

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