How to Change Ubuntu Dock Background Opacity – Make Ubuntu Dock Transparent

In Ubuntu you can change the background of the Ubuntu Dock panel. If you thing that current panel is dark, then you can make it light by decreasing its opacity. In this way you can also make Ubuntu Dock panel transparent. You need to install Dconf Editor to do this in your Ubuntu system.

Ubuntu Dock

Install Dconf Editor on Ubuntu Linux

Open the terminal command-line application using ctrl+alt+t keys and run below command to install the latest version Dconf Editor on your system.

sudo apt install dconf-editor

After the successful install open it via this command


You can also open it via the applications menu.

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How to Make Ubuntu Dock Transparent

In Dconf Editor, go to

Org ? Gnome ? Shell ? Extensions ? Dash-to-Dock ? Background Opacity

Now disable the use default value option for opacity using toggle button.

Dock Background Opacity

Now you can decrease or increase the value manually. Now change the custom value to 0.10000000000000001 and click the apply button and close applications and restart your system to make the background of Dash Dock more transparent.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Julian

    This won’t make the background transparent unless you set ‘transparency-mode’ to FIXED.

  2. Tom

    Followed instructions. Using Ubuntu 22.04 w/5.17 kernel. Applied. Rebooted. No change in opacity.

    1. Edd

      Also tried and not working

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