How to install Gifex GIF Recording Tool on Ubuntu

Gifex is a free and open source GIF recording software for Linux. It is released under GNU General Public License v2.0 license. Using this application you can create animated GIF movies from your desktop. You can select or manually enter the recording area. You can trim a record before export, convert specified portion of recorded GIF. You can set the frame rate and resolution. It also comes with dark theme support. It supports Capture cursor and follow cursor features. You can take the screenshot of the capture gif by frame by frame.


Install Gifex on Ubuntu

Gifex GIF Recording Tool available as a snap package on Ubuntu. You can easily install via your terminal application. Open your terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run this Gifex snap install command.

sudo snap install gifex

Enter your Ubuntu user password. then run this command in terminal to start Gifex GIF Recording Tool.


The user interface is very simple just select your recording area and click the Start recording button. Then edit and click Create GIF.

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