Fd Command line File Search

Fd is a free and open source file search tool for Linux, Windows and MacOS. It is a fast and user-friendly alternative for find command. It comes with simple syntax, color support to highlight different file types, regular expression support, glob-based patterns, case-insensitive and case-sensitive support, Ignores hidden directories and files by default, Unicode support, and many more.


Download fd [Linux, Windows, MacOS]

How to install fd on Ubuntu

Open the terminal application and run below fd apt install command. It will install the latest fd tool on your system.

sudo apt install fd-find

After the successful installation of fd, run below command.

ln -s $(which fdfind) ~/.local/bin/fd

How to Use Fd Command in Ubuntu

For the complete usage details of fd command run below command.

fd -h

Some examples are below

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List Files Recursively


Find All PNG Files in Ubuntu

Just use the ā€œ-eā€ flag to filter by file extension.

fd -e png

Search for a particular file name

fd -g libc.so /usr
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