Convert PDF to Image in Ubuntu Linux with pdftoppm

Want to easily generate image files from a PDF document in Linux, then you can do it from pdftoppm. pdftoppm is a free and open source command-line utility for Linux. Using this you can convert your PDF documents into image files. It allows you to configure the file format, color filter such as grayscale and dimensions of the output images. This command-line tool comes with poppler-utils package. It Supports PNG, JPEG, JPEGCMYK, JPEGOPT and TIFF file formats.

How to install pdftoppm poppler-utils on Ubuntu Linux

If it not preinstalled on your Ubuntu based distro, then open the terminal software (ctl+alt+t) and run below commands one by one.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install poppler-utils

How to Convert PDF to Image

You can convert PDF to image by using the below command Syntax.

pdftoppm -format document image


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format is the output image file extension.
document is the path to the PDF file
image is the name of the output image.

Document sample.pdf in Downloads folder

First navigate to the Downloads folder.

cd Downloads

Then run below command to convert sample.pdf to image.png. If the document has multiple pages, pdftoppm will append numbers in file name, e.g. image-1 and image-2.

pdftoppm -png sample.pdf image

Now check Downloads folder.

pdftoppm output

For the complete usage details run below command.

pdftoppm -help

That’s it.

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