CSS3 PIE (Progressive Internet Explorer) is an IE attached behavior which, when applied to an element, allows IE to recognize and display a number of CSS3 properties.

PIE currently adds full or partial support to IE 6 through 8 for the following CSS3 features:

multiple background images
linear-gradient as background image

And in IE9 PIE adds support for border-image and linear-gradient.

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Enable the new YouTube design

Now youtube has a new design with some google+ integration and content discovery features. The new YouTube design is being rolled out in stages, and for those who haven’t yet received access to it, follow the below steps to enable it.

Open your browser’s development tools (only firefox and chrome)

In Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + K (Win) | Cmd + Shift + K (Mac)

In Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + J (Win) | or Cmd + Alt + J (Mac)

Then add below code to the console and hit enter.


close the browser development tool and reload the youtube page.


Continue ReadingEnable the new YouTube design

How to create Google+ profile banners

To create Google+ profile banners

1.Go to gplusbanner.com  .

2.Click the upload photo and upload your image. Note that image must be less than 10 MB in file size and only jpg/gif/png. For best results, use an image with 685px width and 125px height.

3.After the successful upload crop the area to use as the banner. And then click render images button.

4.Right-click and select Save image as and save all five images

5.Login your google+ and click the Edit Profile button on Google+.

Continue ReadingHow to create Google+ profile banners

Mozilla Firefox keyboard shortcuts

Important keyboard shortcuts in Mozilla Firefox.

Open File-    Ctrl + O
Reload-         F5 & Ctrl + R
Zoom In-     Ctrl + +
Zoom Out-     Ctrl + –
Zoom Reset-     Ctrl + 0
Find-             Ctrl + F
New Tab-     Ctrl + T
New Window-     Ctrl + N
Complete .com Address-     Ctrl + Enter
Complete .net Address-    Shift + Enter
Complete .org Address-     Ctrl + Shift + Enter

Continue ReadingMozilla Firefox keyboard shortcuts

WordPress 3.2 minimum requirements

“WordPress 3.2 is going to be released very soon”according to wordpress.org (maybe today). And wordpress also released the minimum requirements of wordpress 3.2 and some tips.

WordPress 3.2 minimum requirements

PHP 5.2.4
MySQL 5.0.
dropping support for Internet Explorer 6

make sure you’re running compatible versions of PHP and MySQL before you update wordpress 3.2.And also use this plugin to check the health of your wordpress install.


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