WordPress 3.2 minimum requirements

“WordPress 3.2 is going to be released very soon”according to wordpress.org (maybe today). And wordpress also released the minimum requirements of wordpress 3.2 and some tips.

WordPress 3.2 minimum requirements

PHP 5.2.4
MySQL 5.0.
dropping support for Internet Explorer 6

make sure you’re running compatible versions of PHP and MySQL before you update wordpress 3.2.And also use this plugin to check the health of your wordpress install.


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Tagxedo – Create Tag Cloud with Styles

Author’s Description: Tagxedo turns words,famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.

How to create tag clouds

1.Go to tagxedo.com

2.Click the Start Now button.

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How to Run Mozilla Firefox in safe mode

Safe mode in firefox allow users to temporarily disables the custom settings,themes and extensions.

To Run Mozilla Firefox in safe mode

Go to start menu->All Programs->Mozilla Firefox->Mozilla Firefox(Safe Mode).

In the Firefox Safe Mode dialog box, select the options and click Continue in safe mode button. In Safe Mode, your extensions and themes are disabled, and toolbar customizations are set to their defaults. But, these changes are not permanent. To start Firefox normally, exit Mozilla Firefox(Safe Mode) and start Mozilla Firefox. Now your extensions, themes, and settings will return to the state they were in


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