How to install and configure Apache, PHP, MySql and phpMyadmin (LAMP) on Linux Mint

  • Post last modified:October 22, 2016
  • Post category:Linux
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LAMP named as an acronym of the Linux operating system, the Apache HTTP Server, the MySQL relational database management system and the PHP programming language.

L – Linux
A – Apache

On Windows Click Here: How to install and configure Apache,PHP,MySql and phpMyadmin on windows

On ubuntu Click Here: How to install and configure Apache,PHP,MySql and phpMyadmin on ubuntu

Step 1:
Installing apache

The Apache HTTP Serveris the world’s most used web server software. Open Terminal. To open terminal click the Main Linux Mint Menu, then go to system tools and select Terminal or type terminal in the search field or click the Terminal icon in taskbar. And type the below code in terminal and hit enter.

sudo apt-get install apache2

Type your linux mint password and press enter.

Type y and hit enter to confirm apache installation.


Continue ReadingHow to install and configure Apache, PHP, MySql and phpMyadmin (LAMP) on Linux Mint

How to Create, Compile and Run Java Program on Linux Mint

  • Post last modified:October 3, 2016
  • Post category:Linux
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First install the required your favorite JDK on your computer such as Oracle Java, OpenJDK or IBM Java. If you don’t have any, please follow the below below link to install Oracle JDK 8 on Linux Mint.

In this tutorial we are going to work manually with Java programming without the use of an IDE.

Open Terminal. To open terminal click the Main Linux Mint Menu, then go to system tools and select Terminal or type terminal in the search field or click the Terminal icon in taskbar.


Continue ReadingHow to Create, Compile and Run Java Program on Linux Mint

How to install Oracle JDK 8 on Linux Mint

  • Post last modified:September 30, 2016
  • Post category:Linux
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Linux mint 18 mate comes with open JDk 8 by default. Open JDK and Oracle JDK both have almost the same code of the classes in the Java API. But OpenJDK tends to use open libraries and Oracle JDK tends to use closed ones. And if you want to install Oracle JDK 8 on Linux Mint, please follow the below steps.

Install Oracle JDK 8 on Linux Mint 18

Go to Oracle JDK8 download page. And download the latest linux jdk in .tar.gz format.
Here its (32 bit) jdk-8u102-linux-i586.tar.gz

Note:change the JDK version in the command according to your jdk version.

Copy your JDK .tar.gz file to your Desktop.

Open Terminal. To open terminal click the Main Linux Mint Menu, then go to system tools and select Terminal or type terminal in the search field or click the Terminal icon in taskbar.



Continue ReadingHow to install Oracle JDK 8 on Linux Mint