Calligra Office Suite – Word Processor Spreadsheet Presentations Vector Graphics Drawing

Calligra is a free and open source office and graphic suite for Linux, FreeBSD, Windows and MacOS. This office suite comes with word processor, spreadsheet, presentations and vector graphics drawing applications in Calligra Words, Calligra Sheets, Calligra Stage and Karbon names. It is a kde project and one of the good LibreOffice and Microsoft office alternative.

Install Calligra Office on Ubuntu Linux

Calligra is available in Ubuntu standard repository and you can install it via the terminal command-line application. Open terminal and run below commands one by one. It will install the latest versions of Calligra Words, Calligra Sheets, Calligra Stage and Karbon on your Ubuntu Linux system.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y calligra

calligra stage

Calligra Words


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calligra sheets



You can also install the Calligra plan separately using this command. Calligra Plan is a project management application and part of the Calligra Office Suite project but not included default in above package.

sudo apt install calligraplan

calligra plan

In this way you can install Calligra Kexi separately via below command. Calligra KEXI is a free visual database applications creator software.

sudo apt install kexi


You can check and verify the installation via below command.

calligra --version

That’s all.

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