Butterfly Note Taking app

Butterfly is a free and open source Note Taking application for Linux, Android, Web and Windows. It is written in dart and released under GPL-3.0, CC-BY-4.0 licenses. It is a beautiful and powerful note taking application. It comes with pen, eraser, path eraser, label, text and area tools. You can add images and pdf file in your note and also export the notes as images or as json files. Some other important features are layers support, change note book background and color, configure touch, pen and mouse sensitivity, dark mode support and more.

Butterfly Note Taking app

Download Butterfly Note Taking Software

How to Install Butterfly App on Ubuntu Linux

Download linux.zip file from the above Butterfly download link and extract it (Right click and extract Here). Now open the extracted linux folder and navigate to linux-build folder. Inside it right click the butterfly program file and select Properties-> Permission tab and then check the “Allow executing file as program” and close that windows.

Butterfly permission


Now right click butterfly program file and select Run to start.

Butterfly run

Install Butterfly via DEB:

Download Butterfly in .deb package file from the above Download link and save it in your Downloads folder. In the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) run below command to install the latest version of Butterfly note taking application. Here the downloaded file name is “linwood-butterfly-linux-x86_64.deb” . You can change below command based on your file name and path.

sudo apt install ./Downloads/linwood-butterfly-linux-x86_64.deb

Install Butterfly via AppImage:

First download Butterfly app in .AppImage file format from the above Butterfly download link and save it on your Downloaded folder. Now in terminal app run below commands one by one. Change file name and path based on yours.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ Linwood-Butterfly-linux-x86_64.AppImage

Install Butterfly via Flatpak:

Install flatpak and flathub and restart your system. Open the terminal app and run below Butterfly note taking app flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub dev.linwood.butterfly

Now open it via

flatpak run dev.linwood.butterfly

And Uninstall it via

sudo flatpak uninstall dev.linwood.butterfly

That’s all

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