Cawbird Twitter Client for Linux

Cawbird is a free and open source twitter client for Linux. It is a fork of popular twitter client Corebird. Cawbird supports multiple twitter account, you can can create lists and favorites, inline image and video preview support and filtering of tweets and full text search. It is simple, lightweight but modern Twitter client. Because of twitter api limits, Cawbird has some limitations. It is released under GNU General Public License v3.0 and written in vala.

cawbird twitter client

How to install Cawbird on Ubuntu Linux

Cawbird is available as snap, flatpak and native deb package file format. You can install easily with your command-line terminal application.

Install Cawbird via Snap:

Open terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run this Cawbird snap install command.

sudo snap install cawbird

You can run app via from applications menu list or


Install Cawbird via Flatpak:

First install flatpak and flathub in your system and restart your system. After that run below Cawbird flatpak command.

flatpak install flathub

you can run this app from this flatpak command.

flatpak run

You can uninstall it via

sudo flatpak uninstall

Install Cawbird via DEB:

Download Cawbird

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Download Cawbird in .deb file format based on your Ubuntu version and save it on your Downloads folder. Click Grab binary packages directly for download links. Open terminal app and run below command to install it.

sudo apt install ./Downloads/cawbird*.deb

That’s it.

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