Google Chrome 25 stable released

Google chrome 25 stable is now available download. What’s new in this release?

Improvements in managing and securing extensions
Better support for HTML5 time/date inputs
JavaScript Web Speech API support
Better WebGL error handling
And lots of other features for developers

Security fixes:

Memory corruption with web audio node.
Use-after-free in database handling.
Bad read in Matroska handling.
Bad memory access with excessive SVG parameters.
Bad read in Skia.
Inappropriate load of NaCl.
Too many API permissions granted to web store.
Incorrect NaCl signal handling.
Developer tools process has too many permissions and places too much trust in the connected server.
Out-of-bounds read in Skia.
Tighten user gesture check for dangerous file downloads.
Memory safety issues across the IPC layer.
Integer overflow in blob handling.
Lower severity issues across the IPC layer.
Race condition in media handling.
Buffer overflow in vorbis decoding.
Incorrect path handling in file copying.
Memory management issues in plug-in message handling.
Use-after-free in URL handling.
Integer overflow in Opus handling.
Race condition in ICU.

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