Thorium Reader Open Source eBook Reader app

Thorium Reader is a free and open source eBook reader software for Linux, Windows and MacOS. It supports EPUB, EPUB3, PDF, ZIP, LPF, Audiobook, Webpub, LCPA, LCPDF, LCPL, Divina, Daisy and OPF file formats. You can also import OPDS feed to read your eBook and LCP protected files. It comes with custom screen size, layout settings, session saver, keyboard shortcuts, build-in search, bookmark management and good navigation support.

Thorium Reader

Download Thorium Reader

Install Thorium Reader on Ubuntu

Thorium Reader is available as native .deb and portable AppImage package files.

Install Thorium Reader via AppImage:

Download Thorium Reader in .AppImage file format from the above download link and save it on your Downloads folder. Then open the terminal command-line tool (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commands.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ Thorium-1.7.0.AppImage

Here “Thorium-1.7.0.AppImage” is the downloaded file name. You can change this based on your file name.



Install Thorium Reader via DEB:

Download Thorium Reader in .deb file format from the top Thorium Reader Download link and save in your Downloads folder. And in terminal run all below commands one by one.

cd Downloads
sudo dpkg -i EDRLab.ThoriumReader_1.7.0_amd64.deb

Here “EDRLab.ThoriumReader_1.7.0_amd64.deb” is downloaded file name.

sudo apt install -f

Thats all.

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