How to install wordpress on ubuntu (step by step)

  • Post last modified:February 6, 2014
  • Post category:Linux
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To install wordpress on your localhost, you must setup apache and mysql first. We have already posted a tutorial on How to install and configure Apache,PHP,MySql and phpMyadmin on ubuntu.Please read first.

1. Go to wordpress website and download the latest wordpress version in zip format on your desktop and extract. Now you will get wordpress folder.

2.Copy wordpress to /var/www folder

Method 1:
Go to Application -> Accessories -> Terminal. And type the below code in terminal and hit enter.

gksudo nautilus

Type your ubuntu password if needed.

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How to fix “Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.”

The core automatic upgrade feature in worddpress was added with version 2.7. During the automatic upgrade WordPress places a file named .maintenance in the blog root folder. In that time the vistors will see the message Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute. If your automatic upgrade process failed and your site still shows the “vistors will see the message Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute.” message.just delete the .maintenance file.


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How to Remove WordPress Dashboard Widgets (also from screen options)

If you login to your wordpress admin area ,you will see some useful (or maybe useless) dashboard widgets. It is a useful feature in single author blogs. By default,you can  turn off any dashboard widget using the “Screen Options” tab at the right top of the admin area. In multi-author blogs it leak some important details to other users. Example:incoming links,recent coments, right now, recent drafts etc.

To completely remove wordpress dashboard widgets (Dashboard quickpress widget,incoming links widget,Recent comments widget,Right Now widget,Dashboard Plugins widget,Dashboard Recent Drafts widget,Dashboard primary widget,Dashboard secoundary widget)

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How to secure multi-author wordpress blog

Secure wordpress is a wordpress plugin, it increases the security of your multi-author wordpress blog.

Some of its feature are

Removes error messages on login-page.
Removes the wordpress version except in admin.
Removes wordpress version in admin area for non-admins
Adds index.php plugin-directory (virtual)
Removes Really Simple Discovery link in wp_head of the frontend.
Removes Windows Live Writer.
Removes core update for non-admins.
Removes plugin update for non-admins.
Removes theme update non-admins.
Removes version on urls from scripts and stylesheets onyl on frontend
Block bad queries

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According to wordpress there are over 32 million WordPress publishers as of December 2010 and 16 million blogs hosted on plus 16.7 million active installations of the software.numbers are for hosted blogs only.
According to Quantcast, over 260 million people worldwide visit one or more blogs every month, and they view over 2.3 billion pages on those blogs each month.

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Failed to send your message. Please try again later or contact administrator by other way.

If you are getting “Failed to send your message. Please try again later or contact administrator by other way.” error message in your contact form then you are using Contact Form 7.

To solve this error in your contact form 7

1.Login to wp-admin. In your admin dashboard click Contact.

2.In your mail settings change the From field to email belongs to your domain.

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Increase your backlinks- Please Link 2 Me wordpress plugin

Author’s Description:

This plugin adds a text box containing all the code necessary for visitors to easily create links back to your article from their website.

1. Download Please Link 2 Me wordpress Plugin from this link.

2. Unzip and upload it to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.

3. Login to wp-admin. In your admin dashboard click plugins and activate the Please Link 2 Me wordpress Plugin.

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Simple Coming soon And Under construction wordpress plugin

Author’s Description:

Simple plugin provides easy setuping coming soon page by clicking on dropdown menu.It offers you two site states:Usual running site and Coming soon page.Independent of selected state, logged administrators always see the full, running site. This is very useful for site maintance and can create a custom theme  by creating coming-soon.php file into your active theme folder.

To add Simple Coming soon And Under construction wordpress plugin to your WordPress blog

1. Download Simple Coming soon And Under construction wordpress plugin from this link.

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