4 Best WordPress Author plugins

Author Bio Widget

Author Bio Widget wordpress plugin displays some basic information about the author of the page or post in a sidebar.Some features are author’s gravatar, nickname ,bio information,custom title and a size option for the gravatar.

Just Another Author Information Widget

Just Another Author Information Widget is wordpresss plugin and it displays author’s image,webpage,profile and bio.

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Anti-AdBlock wordpress plugin

Author’s Description:

Anti-AdBlock wordpress plugin displays a notification message to visitors with AdBlock on,and asking them to turn it off in a humble way. This plugin increase your blog advertisement revenue.

1. Download Anti-AdBlock wordpress plugin. Download link.

2. Unzip and upload it to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.

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IE6 Upgrade Option wordpress plugin

IE6 Upgrade Option wordpress plugin Generates an warning IE6 upgrade message in IE6 browser. It also allows using the warning messages on browsers other than IE6. The message is displayed using a Lightbox effect hovering over the page content and the page will remain visible through the transparent Lightbox effect. It also includes the option to close the message.

1. Download IE6 Upgrade Option wordpress plugin. Download link.

2. Unzip and upload it to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.

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Better Backgrounds – WordPress plugin

This plugin shows a random background image for every page refresh, visitor session or a  timed slideshow interval. It supports fixed full screen background, full width scrolling background, or classic non-scaled background, background images using the NextGen Gallery plugin, fade in background dynamically using jQuery.

1. Download Better Backgrounds WordPress plugin. Download link.

2. Unzip and upload it to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.

3. Login to wp-admin. In your admin dashboard click plugins and activate the Better Backgrounds WordPress plugin.

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2 Best WordPress theme checker plugins

Wordpress theme checker plugins are used to find any malicious code in your wordpress theme.


Theme-check wordpreess plugin is used to test your theme with the latest theme review standards from wordpress. To know more about wordpress theme review standards click here .
The tests are run through a simple admin menu.

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Conditional CAPTCHA wordpress plugin

If a spam detection plugin (Akismet or TypePad AntiSpam) thinks that their comment is spam, Then the conditional CAPTCHA asks commenters to complete a simple CAPTCHA task. If commenter pass,it will be allowed into the spam queue otherwise the comment will be automatically discarded or trashed. This is a simple text based CAPTCHA and also allow you to use reCAPTCHA.

1. Download Conditional CAPTCHA WordPress plugin. Download link.

2. Unzip and upload it to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.

3. Login to wp-admin. In your admin dashboard click plugins and activate the Conditional CAPTCHA WordPress plugin.

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Easy Favicon -WordPress plugin

Author’s Description:

Easy Favicon WordPress plugin allows you to Choose easily a favicon to make your site eye-catching and easily recognizable by visitors that have several windows opened on their navigator. choose a favicon from your gravatar, a private icon or an image from the Icon Set included.

1. Download Easy Favicon WordPress plugin. Download link.

2. Unzip and upload it to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.

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WordPress 3.2 beta 2 and WordPress 3.1.3 released

Wordpress 3.2 beta 2 and WordPress 3.1.3 is now available for download. WordPress 3.1.3 is a security update for all previous versions. What’s new in wordpress 3.1.3?

Various security hardening.
Taxonomy query hardening.
Prevent sniffing out user names of non-authors by using canonical redirects.
Media security fixes
Improves file upload security on hosts with dangerous security settings.
Cleans up old WordPress import files if the import does not finish.
Introduce “clickjacking” protection in modern browsers on admin and login pages

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