Remove Duplicate files and Similar Images with Detwinner

Detwinner is a free and open source duplicate file remover application. Using this you can find and remove duplicate files and similar images. It increases the free space on your system. You can filter files in two modes Exact duplicates and Similar images. It is released under GPL-3.0 License.


Install Detwinner on Ubuntu

Detwinner is available as a flatpak package for Ubuntu system. If you don’t have flatpak and flathub on your system, then follow below flatpak installation tutorial. After the installation, restart your pc.

How to install flatpak on ubuntu

Open the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Detwinner flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub com.neatdecisions.Detwinner

After the Detwinner installation, You can open it via the below command.

flatpak run com.neatdecisions.Detwinner

The UI is simple just select the Search for mode. Similar images or Exact duplicates and select the folder. Then click the Start search. Then you will get the results with well organized manner.

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Here you can delete or move the duplicate file.


That’s all.

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