Kamoso is a free and open source webcam application for Linux. Using Kamoso you can record your webcam video and take pictures from webcam. It is a simple and easy to use application without any complex configuration setting. Just set the video and image path and start recording. It also comes with burst-mode to click pictures rapidly, mirror mode and build-in effects gallery. It is a kde project and released under GPL-2.0+ License.
Install Kamoso on Ubuntu Linux
You can install Kamoso using terminal command-line application. Open terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below command to install Kamoso webcam app.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install kamoso
After the successful installation of kamoso, you can open it via the applications menu or using this command in terminal.
Install Kamoso via Flatpak:
You can also install it via the flatpak package from flathub. Install flatpak and flathub and restart your system. Now open terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Kamoso flatpak installation command.
flatpak install flathub org.kde.kamoso
You can start Kamoso using
flatpak run org.kde.kamoso
And uninstall it via
sudo flatpak uninstall org.kde.kamoso
That’s all