Notejot is a free and open source note taking application for Linux. It is a simple and easy to use note taking application. You can organize your notes in notebook, pin your notes, separate it by colors, add list items and remove formatting from text and increase decrease font sizes and more. It also comes with keyboard shortcuts. it is written in vala and released under GNU General Public License v3.0.
Install Notejot on Ubuntu Linux
Notejot is available as a flatpak package from flathub. You need to install flatpak and flathub first in your system to install any flatpak application. Follow below tutorial link for flatpak and flathub installation. After the installation restart your system.
Install flatpak and flathub on linux
Open the terminal application using ctrl+alt+t or via applications menu and run below Notejot flatpak installation command.
flatpak install flathub io.github.lainsce.Notejot
Open the installed application using
flatpak run io.github.lainsce.Notejot
You can also uninstall it via
sudo flatpak uninstall flathub io.github.lainsce.Notejot
That’s all.