Music Blocks – Learn Fundamental Musical Concepts

Music Blocks is a free and open source visual programming language and web application that produces graphics artwork and music. It comes with lot of tools for learn and fundamental musical concepts and create some good music. It is released under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 and written using browser technologies — HTML, CSS (SCSS), JavaScript and SVG. It is based on Turtle Blocks JS.

Music Blocks

Install Music Blocks on Ubuntu Linux

It is available as a flatpak package for Linux. For that you need to install flatpak on your Ubuntu system. Use below link for the flatpak and flathub installation.

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How to install flatpak and flathub

After the installation restart the system and open the terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Music Blocks flatpak installation command.

flatpak install flathub org.sugarlabs.MusicBlocks

After that run below command to start Music Blocks on your system.

flatpak run org.sugarlabs.MusicBlocks

You can also uninstall Music Blocks using this command.

sudo flatpak uninstall org.sugarlabs.MusicBlocks

That’s it.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Devin Ulibarri

    This is great! Thanks for sharing this!

    It’s really helpful to have articles like this that show you how to get up and started on a piece of software such as Music Blocks.

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