Mozilla firefox 27 released

Mozilla firefox 27 stable is now available for download. What’s new in this firefox 27?

Now run more than one service at a time with Firefox SocialAPI, allowing you to receive
notifications, chat and more from multiple integrated services.
Enabled TLS 1.1 (RFC 4346) and TLS 1.2 (RFC 5246) by default.
Added support for SPDY 3.1 protocol.
Ability to reset style sheets using ‘all:unset’.
You can now choose to deobfuscate javascript in the debugger.
Added support for scrolled fieldsets.
Implemented allow-popups directive for iframe sandbox, enabling increased security.
CSS cursor keywords -moz-grab and -moz-grabbing have been unprefixed.
Added support for ES6 generators in SpiderMonkey.
Implemented support for mathematical function Math.hypot in ES6.
Dashed line support on Canvas.
Get Azure/Skia content rendering working on Linux.

Security fixes:

Inconsistent JavaScript handling of access to Window objects
NSS ticket handling issues
Crash when using web workers with asm.js
Firefox default start page UI content invokable by script
Cross-origin information leak through web workers
Use-after-free with imgRequestProxy and image proccessing
XSLT stylesheets treated as styles in Content Security Policy
Profile path leaks to Android system log
Information disclosure with *FromPoint on iframes
Incorrect use of discarded images by RasterImage
UI selection timeout missing on download prompts
Clone protected content with XBL scopes
Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:27.0 / rv:24.3)

Download Firefox 27

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