KGraphViewer Graphviz DOT Graph File Viewer

KGraphViewer is a free and open source Graphviz DOT graph file viewer for Linux. It is released under GNU General Public License v2.0 or later. It comes with threaded loading, manual reload of files, print, bird-eye view of the graph, dragging support, dot for directed graphs, neato for undirected, arbitrary layout algorithm, xdot format support and more.


Install KGraphViewer on Ubuntu Linux

KGraphViewer is available as a snap and flatpak package files. In the terminal software (ctrl+alt+t) run below KGraphViewer snap installation command.

sudo snap install kgraphviewer

After the installation you can run the using this command.


And uninstall KGraphViewer snap app using below command.

sudo snap remove kgraphviewer

Install KGraphViewer via Flatpak:

You need to install flatpak and flathub on your system first and restart it after the installation.

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Open the terminal and run below KGraphViewer flatpak install command.

flatpak install flathub org.kde.kgraphviewer

You can open KGraphViewer using below command.

flatpak run org.kde.kgraphviewer

And uninstall KGraphViewer app using

sudo flatpak uninstall org.kde.kgraphviewer

That’t it.

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