How to Setup Norton ConnectSafe on Ubuntu

Norton ConnectSafe is a free DNS service from Symantec Corporation. Using this service you can protect your kids and your family from malware, pornography, phishing and scam sites. To activate Norton ConnectSafe on your Ubuntu system, just change your ISP’s DNS to  Norton ConnectSafe DNS. In this tutorial i am going to show you how to Setup Norton ConnectSafe on Ubuntu.

Note: Norton ConnectSafe DNS service was closed on November 15th, 2018.

Setup Norton ConnectSafe on Ubuntu

In Ubuntu search for Network connections in the unity Dash to open the Network connections settings.

The available connections in your Ubuntu will show under Ethernet and WIFI (wireless)  tab. Select the connection for which you want to activate the Norton ConnectSafe and click the edit button.

It will open the network connection edit window. Then select the IPv4 Settings tab. In method drop down, select Automatic (DHCP) addresses only option. In the DNS servers field, enter the Norton ConnectSafe DNS IP addresses, separated by a comma.

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Norton ConnectSafe provides three types of DNS services. The types are A, B and C. here

A – Security (malware, phishing sites and scam sites)
B – Security + Pornography (sexually explicit material)
C – Security + Pornography + Other (mature content, abortion, alcohol, crime, drugs, file sharing, gambling, hate, suicide, tobacco or violence.)

A only provides security protection and B provides Security plus Pornography protection. And C provides the complete protection.

Norton ConnectSafe for IPv4:

A – Security (malware, phishing sites and scam sites),

B – Security + Pornography,

C – Security + Pornography + Other,

To save the changes, click the save button. If you are prompted for a password or confirmation, type the ubuntu password or provide confirmation authenticate it.

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