How to install typora on Ubuntu – Real live preview markdown editor

Typora is a free markdown editor for linux, Windows and mac OS. It is minimalistic and distractions free editor. It comes with real live preview feature which replaces the unnecessary distractions like preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code. you can mange your files with file tree panel and articles panel and you can also sync your documents using your cloud service, like Dropbox and other.

You can import and export pdf, docx, OpenOffice, LaTeX, MediaWiki, Epub file formats. Some other features are Word Count, focus mode, typeWriter mode anddd auto complete pair of brackets and quotes. It supports custom themes and you can edit the themes with any css editor. Some other markdown editors for ubuntu are are (Un)colored and ghostwriter.

Install typora on Ubuntu:

Open your terminal app in ubuntu and type and enter the below command in terminal to add the key.

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

type your ubuntu password.And then run the below command in terminal to add its PPA.

sudo add-apt-repository 'deb ./'

Then run the command.

sudo apt-get update

After that type the below command press the enter key to install typora markdown editor on your ubuntu system.

sudo apt-get install typora

After the installation to open the typora markdown editor, click the show applications in the Ubuntu Gnome dock and type typora in the search box and click typora. For Unity you search typora from ubuntu dash.

Also Read:  Folio Markdown Note Taking Application

You can uninstall typora using below commands

sudo apt remove typora
sudo apt autoremove

Download typora [Windows]

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