How to install thunderbird 6 on ubuntu 11.04

Thunderbird is a free, open source, cross-platform e-mail and developed by the Mozilla Foundation. Thunderbird will be the default e-mail client in Ubuntu 11.10.

what’s new in this Thunderbird 6? click here.

To install thunderbird 6 on ubuntu 11.04

1.Oper the terminal and type

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-stable

hit enter and type ubuntu password.
then type below command and hit enter

sudo apt-get update

type below command and hit enter

sudo apt-get install thunderbird

press y and hit enter to continue

2.To open Thunderbird, click Applications icon from unity launcher. And type Thunderbird in the search applications field.And click Thunderbird mail/News.

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Thunderbird Homepage

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Hugh


    This looks good and easy, but it does not work! When I type in the first command, I get back command not found, so I’m stuck. For some reason Ubuntu loads only Thunderbird 3 and I want TB6. Any ideas?


    1. admin

      type without any mistake

    2. GrahamG

      @Hugh – do as Admin says and it will work fine.

      Initially, I simply copied and pasted the commands from web page to Terminal – this did not work as it included some spurious strings.

      By TYPING the commands MANUALLY, everything worked fine.

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