How to install QtCAM WebCam software on ubuntu

QtCAM is a free open source webcam software for linux. It is relased under GNU General Public V3 License. QtCAM comes with Still Capture and Video Capture support. Using QtCAM you can adjust brightness, contrast and camera supported UVC controls and you can also choose captured image type. Supported image types are JPG, PNG, RAW, BMP. Supported video encoder formats are YUV, MJPEG, H264, VP8 and supported video containers are mkv and avi.  It allow users to view number of frames played and get FPS information. It also supports extension settings available for selected e-con cameras.

Install QtCAM WebCam software on ubuntu:

To install QtCAM WebCam softwar on ubuntu, you need to add the authors’s official repository. Open terminal and run the below command.

For Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:qtcam/bionic

Then type your ubuntu user password and hit enter key confirm the installation. Then type the below command and hit enter.

sudo apt-get update

Then run the below command to install qtcam on ubuntu 18.04.

sudo apt-get install qtcam

For Ubuntu 16.04:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:qtcam/xenial
sudo apt-get update

Then run the below command to install qtcam on ubuntu 16.04.

sudo apt-get install qtcam

Type Y and hit enter to confirm the installation. After the successful installation of QtCAM restart your ubuntu pc. Type the below command in terminal app to start it .

sudo qtcam

Just select the your web cam from the dropdown list to turn on it.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sergio

    I can’t install it on ubuntu 20.04 Focal, is there (will there ever be) a repo for Focal?

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