How to install Kitty on Ubuntu – Kitty Terminal Emulator

Kitty is a free open source GPU based terminal emulator for Linux and MacOS. It uses lower system resources and threaded rendering to run kitty faster. It comes with mouse , uni-code, true-color and focus tracking support. It also comes with extensions support. Using this you can enable some advanced features in your kitty terminal. You can tile multiple kitty terminal windows side by side. It also comes with graphics, scripts, startup sessions and shell prompt support.

Install kitty terminal emulator on Ubuntu:

Open your terminal app (Clrt+Alt+T) and type the below command and hit the enter key

curl -L | sh /dev/stdin

This will install the latest version of kitty terminal emulator on your ubuntu system. It will be installed on ~/.local/ location. navigate to your home folder and go to .local/ and double click on kitty to open it.

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If you want to integrate with your desktop, then follow the below steps

ln -s ~/.local/ ~/.local/bin/
cp ~/.local/ ~/.local/share/applications

Another Installation method:

If you prefer the easy way to install kitty on Ubuntu, then follow the below steps.

Open your terminal (Clrt+Alt+T) and run the below command.

sudo apt update

Enter your ubuntu user password if you need. then run the below command to install kitty.

sudo apt install kitty

That’s all, then run below command to start kitty.

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