How to Install Jmbde Resources Management App on Ubuntu

Jmbde is a free and open source resources management application for small companies. Using this you can record your company employees details and the equipment they used. It comes with some default equipment types like computers, printers, softwares, telephones and mobile phones. jmbde is available for Windows, MacOS and Linux. It is released under GNU General Public License 3 licence. It is based on Qt framework. You can change the database type in jmbde preference windows. You can use sqllite, mysql, ODBC and postgreSQL.

Download jmbde:

Install jmbde resources management application Ubuntu:

Go to the above jmbde resources management application download link and download latest version of jmbde in AppImage format. And save it on your Downloads folder. For me the file name is “jmbde-0.5.4-linux-x64-qt5.15.2-Release.AppImage“ and download location is Downloads folder. You can change the below commands based on your downloaded file name and your file download path.

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First you need to navigate the appimage file download path. Open your terminal app (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type the below command and hit enter.

cd Downloads

Then type the below command press the enter key to change downloaded AppImage file permission and make it as executable.

sudo chmod +x ~ jmbde-0.5.4-linux-x64-qt5.15.2-Release.AppImage

Then enter your Ubuntu user password if needed and run this command to start jmbde resources management application.

sudo ./jmbde-0.5.4-linux-x64-qt5.15.2-Release.AppImage

Or go to the downloaded file location and right clicking on the downloaded .AppImage file and select Properties. Then go to the Permissions section and check the Executables as program option.Then Just double click the downloaded file.


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