How to install Gnome schedule on ubuntu

Gnome schedule is a graphical user interface tool to schedule tasks on your computer. It supports recurrent (periodical) tasks and tasks that happen only once in the future.

Main features:

Supports custom titles and icons for your tasks.
Templates support.
If run as root, you can edit any user’s crontab and “at” tasks.
Human-readable strings like “Every hour” instead of “0 * * * *”
Advanced mode for crontab experts
Provides a “panel applet”
A calendar allows you to choose the day you want a task executed.

To install Gnome schedule on ubuntu

1.Open Terminal.To open terminal click the Dash home from unity launcher.And type terminal in the search field. And click Terminal.

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2.Type the below code in terminal and hit enter.

sudo apt-get install gnome-schedule

3.Type your ubuntu password if needed.

4.Type y and hit enter to confirm Gnome schedule installation.

5.After the successful installation click the Dash home from unity launcher.And type Gnome schedule in the search field.Then click scheduled Task.

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