How to install cheese webcam software on linux mint

cheese is a free webcam software to use your webcam for take pictures or record videos and it applies fancy special effects. It uses GStreamer to apply fancy effects to photos and videos.

To install cheese on linux mint 12

1.Open terminal.To open terminal in linux mint, click Menu button and select terminal or type terminal in the search field and click terminal.

2.Type the below code in terminal and hit enter.

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sudo apt-get install cheese

3.Type your linux mint password if needed.

4.Type y and hit enter to confirm cheese installation.

5.After the successful installation close terminal and click start menu.

6.Type cheese in the search field and select cheese.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. atakan

    don’t work it !! unable to fech some archives maybe run apt-get update try with –fix– sing ? error . how to fix

  2. Squirrely McGee

    Short and simple, thanks. Up and running in seconds on Linux mint

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