You can easily get your system distribution name, version and Kernel details in linux. There are several ways, options and GUI tools available. But you can also view these details without any third party GUI tools in Linux. You can easily view these details in your command line terminal application.This article explains how to get and find the Linux OS distribution name, version and Kernel details in command line method using the terminal application. It will help to troubleshoot some others or yours system if you don’t have the GUI access. For this tutorial we are using Ubuntu.
Method 1:
Get Linux OS Name,version and Kernel Using hostnamectl
In your terminal software (ctrl+alt+t) run this command.
Method 2:
Get Linux OS Name,version and Codename Using cat etc
cat /etc/os-release
Method 3:
Get Linux OS Name and Kernel Using uname
uname -a
Method 4:
Get Linux OS Name,version and Codename Using lsb_release
lsb_release -a
Method 5:
Get Linux OS Name and Kernel Using cat proc
cat /proc/version
Method 6:
Get Linux OS Name and version Using cat issue
cat /etc/issue