How to Install Latest Kernel in Ubuntu based Distro with Mainline

Ubuntu Mainline Kernel installer is a free and open source Linux kernel installation application for Linux. It fetches the list of available kernels from official Ubuntu Mainline PPA. This tool downloads and installs linux kernel packages automatically and you can also uninstall kernel from here.

Note: The mainline kernels do not include any latest ubuntu specific patches. They are not supported and are not good for production use. Installing this may break your system.

Install Ubuntu Mainline Kernel installer Tool on Ubuntu

Mainline Linux Kernel installation Tool is available as native .deb package file and official PPA.

Install Mainline via DEB:

Download Mainline in .deb file format from below download link and save it on your Downloads folder.

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Download Mainline

Open your terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commannds one by one.

cd Downloads
sudo dpkg -i mainline_1.0.12.0000_amd64.deb
sudo apt install -f

Here “mainline_1.0.12.0000_amd64.deb” downloaded file name. You can change above command based on your file name.

You can open it from application list menu.

Install Mainline via PPA:

You can also install it via Mainline PPA using below commands.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cappelikan/ppa
sudo apt update
sudo apt install mainline

That’s it.

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