Grow Bonsai Tree in Ubuntu Terminal with Cbonsai

Cbonsai is a free and open source command-line Bonsai tree generator application for Linux. It is a terminal bonsai tree simulator application. You can customize tree size, plant base, number of leafs and branches, and growth pattern in this application. It comes with static and live mode. In the static mode you can get a finished bonsai tree and in live mode step-by-step tree growth.


Install Cbonsai on Ubuntu

Open the terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below apt install command. It will install the latest version of Cbonsai on your Ubuntu Linux system.

sudo apt install cbonsai

After the installation you can run below command to start Cbonsai.


It will display a finished tree.

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If you want to show step by step of bonsai tree growth, run command like below.

cbonsai -l

For infinite tree growth use below command. The wait between each tree generation is 4 minutes.

cbonsai -i

You can display custom message next to the tree using below command.

cbonsai -m ""

And run below command to view the complete help details.

cbonsai -h

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