Gamestar Mechanic: Creative Game Design Learning Hub

Gamestar Mechanic is a free and open source game and community designed to teach kids the principles of game design. Designed with the curiosity of 7- to 14-year-olds in mind, Gamestar Mechanic is not just a game; it’s a thriving community where creativity knows no bounds. The platform, however, is not exclusive and it’s open to enthusiasts of all ages. Whether you’re a budding game designer or a seasoned player, Gamestar Mechanic has something for everyone.

Gamestar Mechanic

How to Install Gamestar Mechanic on Ubuntu

You can install Gamestar Mechanic on your system using below flatpak install command on your terminal application.

flatpak install flathub com.gamestarmechanic.gamestarmechanic

And open Gamestar Mechanic using below command.

flatpak run com.gamestarmechanic.gamestarmechanic

Note: If you don’t already have flatpak and flathub installed, please install them on your system using the commands provided below. After the installation, please restart your system.

sudo apt install flatpak
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

And uninstall Gamestar Mechanic using below commands.

flatpak uninstall com.gamestarmechanic.gamestarmechanic


sudo flatpak uninstall com.gamestarmechanic.gamestarmechanic
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