CRRCSim Model Airplane Flight Simulator

CRRCSim is a free and open source flight simulator application for Windows, MacOS and Linux. It is released under GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2). It will help to learn how to fly model aircraft and improve your skills. It also comes with a option to test new aircraft designs and more.

CRRCSim Flight Simulator

Download CRRCSim [Windows, MacOS, Linux]

Install CRRCSim on Ubuntu Linux

CRRCSim is available as a snap package file for Ubuntu. Open the terminal console application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below CRRCSim airplane flight simulator snap installation command. It will install the latest version of CRRCSim on your system.

sudo snap install crrcsim-simulator

After the installation you can start it from the show applications menu. During the simulator press escape key to show all the menu controls.

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You can add new models and sceneries use /home/’your_user’/snap/crrcsim/current/.crrcsim directories.

Run below command to use USB joystick or Tx dongle.’

sudo snap connect crrcsim-simulator:joystick

You can also uninstall CRRCSim using below command.

sudo snap remove crrcsim-simulator

That’s it.

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