How to install AuthPass Password Manager on Ubuntu

AuthPass is a free and open source Keepass compatible password manager for Linux, Windows, Android, iOS and MacOS. It is released under GPL-3.0 License and based on Flutter. Using this you can store your passwords and share across all your devices. It supports Keepass kdbx 3.x and kdbx 4.x file formats. You can load/decrypt kdbx using password and/or key file. It generates random secure passwords and organize passwords using groups. You can open multiple password files at the same time. It stores all your passwords in your system and in the open Keepass format. But you can sync your passwords using native Google Drive, Dropbox Integation, own NextCloud or OwnCloud (WebDAV) integration.


Install AuthPass Password Manager on Ubuntu

You can install AuthPass Password Manager via the snap and its official PPA.

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Install AuthPass via Snap:

Open your Ubuntu terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run this AuthPass Password Manager snap installation command.

sudo snap install authpass

If needed enter your Ubuntu user password. Then run this

sudo snap connect authpass:password-manager-service

You can oprn it from the applications list or via below command in terminal.


Install AuthPass via PPA:

You can also install it via official PPA. Run these below commands one by one in your terminal app.

sudo add-apt-repository
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install authpass
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