Create HTML Signatures in Gmail

Gmail does support only plain text email signatures. An HTML signature is much better than a normal plain text signature because you can add lots of formatting to make your signature much more professional looking.
To create HTML signature in gmail, just follow these steps.

1.Log in your Gmail account with your email password.
2.Click setting and select labs.
3.Enable Inserting images and Canned Responses and save changes. It will enable images and canned responses on your game account.


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WordPress Watermark plugin Watermark RELOADED

Another wordpress watermark plugin that automatically watermark the images you upload and publish.

1.Download Watermark RELOADED plugin from this link.

2.upload this plugin to\wp-content\plugins\ folder.

3.Login to wp-admin.In your admin dashboard click plugins and activate the Watermark RELOADED plugin.

4.Then go to settings and click watermark Reloaded.


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