Bypass Youtube’s Age Restrictions on videos

Sometimes you need to sign in or confirm your age every time to view age-restricted videos on Youtube video site. This is bit annoying for some user. To watch that type of videos without singing in, just use the below method.

Bypass Method:

This is really easy and simple method.
Just replace




in the video url.

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How to install Elementary OS 0.4 Loki on Oracle virtualbox

  • Post last modified:December 10, 2016
  • Post category:Linux
  • Post author:

Elementary OS is free and open source Ubuntu-based Linux distribution with in build Pantheon desktop environment. Elementary OS 0.4 Loki is based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and it comes with Linux Kernel 4.4. This is one of the best replacement for Windows and MacOS. Here we used below software to test this.

Elementary OS 0.4 Loki (64-bit), Download Elementary OS 0.4 Loki from here
Virtualbox 5.1.10. Download  VirtualBox from here
Windows 10 (64bit) with RAM 4GB


Continue ReadingHow to install Elementary OS 0.4 Loki on Oracle virtualbox