AlphaPlot – Interactive Scientific Graphing and Data Analysis

AlphaPlot is a free and open source scientific data analysis and visualization application for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. using it you can generate different types of 2D and 3D plots from data. You can also generate plots using from ASCII files, entered by hand, or calculated using formulas. It comes with scripting console, curve fitting, multi-peak fitting and more. And export the plot to image, PDF, EPS or SVG file formats.

AlphaPlot app

Download AlphaPlot [Windows,Linux,MacOS]

Install AlphaPlot on Ubuntu Linux

Download AlphaPlot in a portable .AppImage file format from the above download link and save it on your Downloads folder. In terminal application run below commands one by one. Here “AlphaPlot-1.011-alpha-release-glibc2.29-x86_64.AppImage” is the downloaded file name.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ AlphaPlot-1.011-alpha-release-glibc2.29-x86_64.AppImage

Install AlphaPlot via PPA

You can also install it via the below PPA on Ubuntu based systems. In terminal run below command one by one.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:devacom/science
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install alphaplot

Install AlphaPlot via Flatpak

First install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation. Open the terminal app and run below AlphaPlot flatpak install command.

flatpak install flathub io.github.narunlifescience.AlphaPlot

You can run AlphaPlot using below command.

flatpak run io.github.narunlifescience.AlphaPlot

You can also uninstall AlphaPlot via

sudo flatpak uninstall io.github.narunlifescience.AlphaPlot

That’s it.

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Also Read:  How to Start App Windows in the Center on Ubuntu

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