Amarok is a free and open source music player and music collection manager for Linux, Windows and MacOS. It comes with playlists, music collection managing, music rating support, music cover manager support, replay gain and scripting support. It also comes with last fm, Magnatune, Ampache and many more integrated internet service support.
Install Amarok on Ubuntu
Amarok is available as a flatpak package file from the remote flathub. First install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation.
Install flatpak and flathub on Ubuntu
After that open the terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Amarok flatpak install command.
flatpak install flathub org.kde.amarok
And open it using below command.
flatpak run org.kde.amarok
You can also uninstall it using below commands.
flatpak uninstall org.kde.amarok
sudo flatpak uninstall org.kde.amarok