Tasks is a free and open source task management application for Linux. It is written in Rust and released under GNU General Public License. In this app can create task, bookmark your task, give priority, set due date, write note, create sub tasks under your task and organize all tasks in a task list.
Install Tasks Task Management App on Ubuntu
Tasks is available as a flatpak app from the remote flathub store. First install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation.
Now open the terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Tasks flatpak install command. It will install the latest Tasks app on your system.
flatpak install flathub dev.edfloreshz.Tasks
After that open it using below command.
flatpak run dev.edfloreshz.Tasks
You can also uninstall it using below commands.
flatpak uninstall dev.edfloreshz.Tasks
sudo flatpak uninstall dev.edfloreshz.Tasks