How to change User Roles and Capabilities in WordPress – User Role Editor

By default WordPress comes with 6 pre-defined roles and many capabilities. Roles define what task users can do within the site and cannot do. These set of tasks called wordpress capabilities. The default wordpress user roles are Super Admin, Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor and Subscriber.

Super Admin – Full access including network administration.
Administrator – Full site access.
Editor – Publish and manage posts including other users.
Author – Publish and manage their own posts.
Contributor – Write and manage own posts but without publish access.
Subscriber – Manage their profile.

But you can change the roles and their capabilities in WordPress easily. In this article you will see how to change User Roles and Capabilities in WordPress using User Role Editor wordpress plugin.

User Role Editor:

User Role Editor is a free wordpress plugin from Vladimir Garagulya. Using this plugin you can change, add and delete wordpress user roles and its capabilities. Add capabilities from scratch or you can copy from other existing role.

How to install User Role Editor WordPress Plugin on your website:

User Role Editor

Login to your wordpress admin dashboard. (wp-admin/login).
In your wordpress admin dashboard click plugins and select Add New.
Type User Role Editor in the search field and press the enter key.
Click the Install Now button in User Role Editor wordpress plugin by Vladimir Garagulya.
After the successful installation click the activate Plugin link to activate User Role Editor

Also Read:  How to Add Contact Form in WordPress

You can also download and install User Role Editor manually from below download link.

Download User Role Editor

Change and Add User Roles and Capabilities in WordPress

After the installation and activation of WordPress User Role Editor plugin, go to Settings and select User Role Editor in your left side WordPress dashboard menu.


It will open the General settings. Here you can enable and disable certain features.

Then go to Users->User role editor from dashboard.


Here you can change your default wordpress user role Capabilities. You can also add and delete new user roles and Capabilities.

add new role

That’s all.

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