NeoFetch – Get System Information from the Command Line

NeoFetch is a free open source command line or terminal based system information tool for linux from Dylan Araps. It is written in BASH. Using this you can get all the important system informations on your terminal window. It supports Linux, MacOS, iOS, BSD, Solaris, Android, Haiku, GNU Hurd, MINIX and Windows (Cygwin/MSYS2/Windows 10 Linux subsystem) . It shows the system information next to an ASCII art of your operating system logo. You can also use or configure any other picture to display. More than 50 config options are available in Newfetch.


How to install Neofetch on Ubuntu:

To install NeoFetch on Ubuntu 17.04 and later just execute below commands one by one ion your terminal app.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install neofetch

To run it or get the system information, in your terminal app type below code and hit enter.


For more command options, run the below command

neofetch --help

To more config options please visit this page.

Install NeoFetch via PPA:

To install NeoFetch on Ubuntu, you need to add NeoFetch authors’s official repository. Open terminal and run the below command.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dawidd0811/neofetch

Then type your Ubuntu password.And hit enter key confirm the installation.
Then type the below command and hit enter,

sudo apt update

Then type the below command and hit enter to install neofetch.

sudo apt install neofetch
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Also Read:  Dig Network Command line Tool

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