View live cricket scores, rankings and standings in command line terminal – How to install Cricket-CLI on Ubuntu

Cricket-CLI is a free open source command line tool for watch live cricket scores, ICC rankings and standings in your linux  terminal. This beautiful tool is developed by Chetan Birajdar using Python.

Install Cricket-CLI on Ubuntu:

Open your terminal app and you can install via PIP by using the below command.

sudo pip install cricket-cli

if you dont have PIP in your system, you can install it via the below commands

For python 2

sudo apt install python-pip

for python 3

sudo apt install python3-pip

then run the below command.

sudo apt install python-setuptools

Cricket-CLI Usage:

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After the installation of Cricket-CLI, in your terminal type the below commands to show live cricket scores, ranking and team standing.

cricket scores
cricket standings
cricket rankings

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