Unvanquished is a free and open source first person strategy fast paced shooting game for Linux, Windows and MacOS. In this game you can choose between two teams human soldiers and aliens. The main goal of this game is to destroy your enemy base. This game is a fork of Tremulous and powered by the Daemon engine. It comes with OpenGL version 3 compliant renderer, special effects, texturing techniques, physical mapping, native client VM support, 2D minimaps, real-time beacon system and more.
Download Unvanquished [Windows,MacOS,Linux]
Install Unvanquished on Ubuntu Linux
Unvanquished is available via flatpak package from flathub. First you need to install flatpak and flathub on you system. After the installation restart your system. Open terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Unvanquished flatpak installation command.
flatpak install flathub net.unvanquished.Unvanquished
You can open Unvanquished via below command in terminal.
flatpak run net.unvanquished.Unvanquished
And uninstall the game using this command.
sudo flatpak uninstall net.unvanquished.Unvanquished
That’s all.