Total Security wordpress plugin

Total Security is a free wordpress plugin and it checks the WordPress installation and provides detailed reporting on discovered vulnerabilities, anything suspicious and how to fix them.

Main features:

Check website for security vulnerabilities and holes.
numerous installation parameters tests
Apache and PHP related tests
file permissions
WP options tests
scan WP core files with one click
quickly identify problematic files
restore modified files with one click
great for removing exploits and fixing accidental file edits/deletes
view files source to take a closer look
fix broken WP auto-updates
detailed help and description

To install Total Security

Login to wordpress (wp-admin).
In your admin dashboard click plugins and select Add New.
Type Total Security in the search field and click Search Plugins button.
Install Total Security .
After the successfully Installation click the activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.

Also Read:  How to Add Facebook Like Reactions to WordPress Website


Download Total Security  wordpress plugin. Download link
Unzip and upload it to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.
Login to wp-admin. In your admin dashboard click plugins and activate the Total Security  wordpress plugin.

Download Total Security

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