WordPress Watermark plugin Watermark RELOADED

Another wordpress watermark plugin that automatically watermark the images you upload and publish.

1.Download Watermark RELOADED plugin from this link.

2.upload this plugin to www.yoursite.com\wp-content\plugins\ folder.

3.Login to wp-admin.In your admin dashboard click plugins and activate the Watermark RELOADED plugin.

4.Then go to settings and click watermark Reloaded.


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WordPress Watermark plugin ‘Easy Watermark and Images Optimize’

In wordpress if you need to watermark selected  image, ‘Easy Watermark and Image Optimize’ is a good choice.

1.Download ‘Easy Watermark and Images Optimize’ plugin from this link

2.upload this plugin to www.yoursite.com\wp-content\plugins\ folder.

3.Login to wp-admin.In your admin dashboard click plugins and activate the Easy Watermark and Images Optimize plugin.

4.Then go to settings and click imageoptimizer.


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