Change Ubuntu Background to Solid Colour – Set Wallpaper to Solid Color in Ubuntu

  • Post last modified:October 4, 2020
  • Post category:Linux
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Older versions of Ubuntu comes with a feature to set your wallpaper to a solid color or primary and secondary color for gradient look via the Background settings menu. But Ubuntu removed this feature in the newer versions of Ubuntu. But you can set and change you background to the solid color via terminal. Follow below steps to set the solid colour in your background instead of wall image.


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How To Customize new Twitter background (Let’s Fly design)

Twitter redesign the site Let’s Fly design  and also offer some new features.

Tips for creating your own new twitter background

1.Keep important background content on the left of the screen. content is still centered on the page.
3.New design uses fixed width of 865 pixels
4.Twitter Background is left-aligned.

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How To Customize new Twitter background

Please click here for Updated Twitter background tutorial

Twitter redesign the site and also offer some new features.The new design maybe affect your old twitter background because it has different dimensions.

Tips for creating your own new twitter background

1.New design uses a fluid layout.
2.40 pixels top toolbar
3.20 pixels space between toolbar and content.
4.semi-opaque right sidebar and varying width.
5.540 pixels timeline column.


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how to add a background image to your wordpress comment box

Always Backup Before You Change Anything.

Login your wordpress admin.Select Appearance click editor and then Click comments(comments.php).
Find <textarea . Inside that add this code style=”background:url(‘IMAGE URL’) no-repeat right bottom;”

Here IMAGE URL = Your background image path.

And update the file.


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